Sept 2021 SOL report and teaching links on SOL YouTube

Thanks to all for a fantastic gathering last Friday 10th September. By popular demand I have put the teaching on Rosh Hashanah and the years 5782 and 2022 and associated spiritual shift on our youtube channel your diaries, the October gathering will be the 15th (3rd Friday of the month) which will allow a 4 week gap for our November gathering on the 12th (which is the normal 2nd Friday).Thanks to God for all the healings, breakthrough, gold dust on hands etc.. last Friday. Also, new folk from Venezuela and Mexico joining our increasing global SOL family.Thanks to all who shared and contributed on the night, Natasha, Claire, Rebecca, Carl as zoom maestro, our global team of activation room hosts and all those involved in the Wales, South America, New York prayer at the end of the “afters”.We have spaces for our spiritually exploring prophetic and dream interpretation appointments (by zoom) on Wednesday 29th September. These are booked on the SOL website. We have 2 types of appointment, one for folk who are spiritually seeking (free spaces in September) and those for who have been Christians for more than a year (next spaces are March 2022) channel link for Mark’s Go Dream book and Prophecy book is on our website (also available on amazon). If you would like multiple signed copies direct from Mark then FB him for posting or mail you want to stay in touch please join the mailing list from the SOL website . If you would like to support our ministry please donate using this link Blessings Mark and the SOL Team.