What an amazing 2019 conference + next SOL meeting is Hexham

Thanks to all who made the journey, helped and ministered to make the conference such a significant and strategic day for individuals, for Sunderland, the North East, the Nation and overseas. The ministry, worship, passion was really something to experience. We are receiving so many amazing testimonies (angels singing in the afternoon worship), please keep sending them in. Big thanks to Bethany City Church and their staff.

Also here is the link for the Barn group in Paris. https://drive.google.com/a/barnpm.com/file/d/1ysI_Jhp7hHWiXxXuBAmqUuoJSm1d42zf/view?usp=drivesdk

Next SOL gathering is our 10th Birthday, Friday night 8th November 7.30pm at Hexham Mart, Tyne Green, NE46 3SG.Blessings, Mark and the SOL team.