September 2020 SOL report and news

“The best SOL zoom gathering yet” many of you have said. It was certainly a special night to be part of last friday (11th Sept) along with approx. 115 folk from the USA, France, N Ireland, UK wide and our first from Norway. In this 30 minute youtube link: of the evening we covered “TRAINING YOUR PROPHETIC SENSES followed by a panel who modelled this before the 2 exciting breakout sessions. Thank you Jesus for the healings, breakthrough, heavenly gold dust on hands. Approx. 80 zoom windows stayed on post 9.30pm for the “afters” which finished around 11pm with the most amazing extended period of silence and wonderful glory which lead directly from Rebecca King’s time of sharing. Thanks in particular to Natasha (for pulling it together) and Tim (zoom host +..), the panel (Tim, Leah, Juliet, Natasha), rest of the SOL core team, prophetic appointments team and our international family who helped to host the breakout rooms. Due to GDPR we cannot post all the ministry, encounter times on YouTube; it was one of those cases where “you just had to be there”. The links from our Youtube channel covers the teaching and interpretations from recent and previous zoom evenings. The next Friday gathering is planned for 9th October 7.30pm and we will send out zoom details closer to the time. If you want to support SOL, here is the link: To stay in touch please join the mailing list from the SOL website Prophetic appointments (by zoom) are booked on the SOL website

IN ADDITION to these regular appointments we are trialling monthly prophetic appointments for those who are spiritually seeking. The feedback has been brilliant. Please do share this opportunity with any friends, family or colleagues who might be interested. The link to sign up is here: Appointments run for 20 minutes and offer prophecy, dream interpretation and spiritual guidance. They are always on the last Wednesday of the month between 7:30-9:30pm (UK time). Bookings are currently open for the remainder of this year – there are still a few slots open for Wednesday 30th September. Blessings Mark and the SOL core team