Harrogate House

Harrogate House |

Just two hours before the last Sol at Darlington we viewed a new rental property in a nearby village. It came on the market the day before …and in a very desirable area … you need to be quick .. and always in a chain of viewers. We thought it had all we needed and so prayed and asked God to speak to us at SOL. Mark you called us out to join the leaders prayer chain and while we were waiting to move into the river of God a lady came and prayed for us. She prayed a blessing over us and advised that Gods incredible favour was on us. She also said I see you transitioning and see a large door with a number 8 on it for you.. little did she know that this is the first number on the door of the house we had just viewed! 89!  We placed and offer at 9.00am Sat am and gained favour for the house on Monday! We get the keys in a week or two! We are so blessed to have been drawn to join you.