Zoom details for SOL 12th June

Dear SOL family, 
Here the are the zoom details for SOL THIS Friday at 7.30pm UK time on June 12th. Access to the zoom link will begin from 7.30pm for chat and we will start at 7.40pm (finish at 9.30pm). Prophecy will be featured this month with breakout rooms to practise. There will be a short teaching on how to receive and apply prophetic words followed by breakout rooms (with already assigned facilitators) where prophecy and these principles can be practised. The usual SOL stuff will also feature 

:). Blessings. Mark
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 297 3347
Password: 675325
Same details on SOL facebook and website.
Jason and Julia will be welcome hosts, Mark and Natasha will be sharing the teaching, Tim will be the zoom manager, the SOL core team and some assigned members of  the prophetic appointments team will be facilitating the breakout rooms. If you want to stay in touch please join the mailing list from the SOL website https://speakersoflife.org/contact/. Prophetic appointments (by zoom) are booked on the SOL website https://speakersoflife.org/book-an-appointment/
Blessings from Mark and the SOL core team