Ministering in New York at JHOP Church (Sept 2017)

      THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PRAYED FOR ME TODAY AT JHOP CHURCH IN NEW YORK. WHAT A DAY, THE CHURCH WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, THERE WAS A HUGE SHIFT. THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE RECEIVING WHILST LYING IN THE RIVER THAT WAS MADE AT THE LAST SOL. THANKS TO CLAIRE McCourt (Bethel) WHO WITH ME PRAYED FOR PEOPLE FOR 3 HOURS (gold flecks appeared on my hands during the whole 3 hours), YEAH TEAM. THEY WERE SO HUNGRY!!! WHAT A PRIVILEGE. People were in the river even before I finished preaching. SOL folk sent words from the UK during the service which I readout and all were claimed alongside the dates of birth, and other numbers God gave me. Thanks team. Yeah Jesus, without you none of that would have happened THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!! Love Mark