SOL March 2022 report: Next SOL is April 8th 2022

The next SOL is online only on friday 8th April 7.30pm UK time. What a fabulous and rich gathering on March 12th for our mixed in person and online gathering. It was great to welcome “in person” folk incl. USA, Ireland, Wales, England, Germany and our online family incl. Chile, Canada, India, Europe, USA. It was like 4 hours of “SOL afters” as we gathered in the presence of Jesus. It was beautiful to hear Psalm 27:1-5 in approx 14 different languages as the spoken word released so much. We thank God for the healings such as backs (from surgery), healing of a completely blind eye to 50% vision, deliverances, prophetic guidance, walking in the silk river, St Patrick’s Breastplate prayer (the Irish prophetic gang), listening to the Land, spiritual birthing, original songs of the land (Rachel), the beat of those drums (Joel) with that gutsy guitar (Mike) and more… Please see SOL facebook for the pics of the day (thanks to Josh). Thanks to Tim and Alice for making the tech. work so well. Thanks to Mike and Karen of New Life Church for allowing us to use their sacred space.