Treasure Hunting June 2017

Treasure Hunting
Newcastle City Centre
3rd June 2017
One of the first people that the team met today was wearing glasses, men’s cream coloured shorts
and a checked shirt. He was very friendly and open to talking with the group. He admitted to
feeling overwhelmed over job issues. Although he did not want prayer, the team blessed him as
they left.
Outside the fitness shop and the cycle shop the group were drawn to another gentleman wearing a
check shirt and glasses. His name was John. As the team chatted with him, John hinted that he
wasn’t completely happy with his job. When a team member explained to him that he was God’s
Treasure, John was touched, saying that “no one had every told him that before”.
Following more clues, the team were led past the gallery with pictures in the window, including an
image of someone posing for a photo, and another shop window containing yellow balloons.
Then, right by the flight of stone steps, in the shadow of the brick archway was a young homeless
man. The team sat on the street with him. They prayed for his injured leg, for his anxiety over a
doctor’s appointment; they prayed protection over him; they declared breakthrough – that he
would get a home & a job – SOON! They called out his destiny – prophesying the Lord’s plans over
his life – and telling him what a treasure he was. They gave him the spare cash they had. And they
had the honour of spending time with this precious man, asking about his hopes & dreams, and
pouring out God’s love on him!
What a fun day!!! 🙂
Next Treasure Hunt – Saturday 1st July 2017
Paula Metcalfe